Featured Community Member: @Beaux
This month's featured community member is @Beaux0 who lives in the new "Silicon Valley" of Blockchain - Central Wyoming. @Beaux0 is working on some exciting projects focused on allowing more people to ecologically mine Verium. @Beaux0 and his team are developing ARM processor mining equipment specially designed to work with renewable energy. In addition, he contributes by helping to manage some of the Vericonomy social media channels. On the April 12th Live Google Hangout, @Beaux0 joined Kevin and Doug to discuss his projects.
Charlie Blaisdell To Provide Legal Counsel To VeriCoin and Verium
Vericoin and Verium Reserve is very pleased to announce today that Charles Blaisdell, Esq. has joined the project as Legal Counsel.
VeriConomy Live Google Hangout – Friday December 14th 3:00 PM EST
Join Doug Pike (@effectstocause) and Kevin Alvarez (@bluelynxmktg) this Friday December 14th at 3:00 PM as they discuss development progress and the overall crypto marketplace. What does this bear market mean to cryptocurrency and does it have any effect on VeriCoin and Verium?
Featured Community Member: @Miles
This month's featured community member is @Miles who has made two major development contributions during 2018. In May @Miles published 2 videos on YouTube demonstrating an impressive Point of Sale prototype that happened to work alongside his other project - VeriWebWallet. The VeriWebWallet is a responsive web wallet that works with both VeriCoin and Verium. This allows users to send/receive VeriCoin and Verium from their portable devices.
European Summer Meetups
VeriCoin and Verium will be traveling to at least 3 European cities this summer and we're asking the community to vote. The nominated cites were determined based on a minimum amount of VeriCoin Wallet and Verium Vault downloads. We look forward to seeing you at one of these meetups.
Featured Community Member: @Birty
Get to know, Birty - a legend from within the Verium mining community. If you've even toyed with the idea of mining Verium, you've probably come across one of his well-written articles regarding CPU mining. It’s hard to find someone with as much passion for mining Verium than Birty.