the currency

Secure global Network

Truly low transaction fees

Lightning fast transactions
"With a transaction time of one second, a host of additional features and an easy-to-use desktop wallet, VeriCoin is much faster, more intuitive and more efficient than traditional banking systems or cryptographic currencies."
Rene Peters at Captain AltcoinInnovative Technology with a Transactional Purpose
VeriCoin transactions are currently 10 times faster than Bitcoin, nearly instant and via Verium will become even faster. Unlike Bitcoin, you gain rewards like a savings account by simply leaving your digital wallet running on your computer. This process is known as staking, another form of digital minting of new coins. This helps validate transactions on the VeriCoin network allowing anyone in the world with an internet connection the ability to transfer and receive funds in a matter of seconds. People who are not able to, or do not have access to a bank account will now have access to an already established and flourishing financial network.
VeriCoin PoST Technical Whitepaper
Download PDFVeriCoin Features

PoST Blockchain (Proof of Stake Time)
Proof of Stake-Time (PoST) is a novel approach to forming a consensus by introducing a stake-time component, where the probability to stake increases over time. This better incentives staking and enhances the security of the network. It also enhances the decentralization of the consensus, well beyond current standards.

Earn Rewards
No mining necessary, just hold your coins in your open wallet on your PC/laptop or mobile device. Network-dependent disinflation targeted interest, is the mechanism for minimizing disinflation and maximizing interest on your investment in VeriCoin. The practical range of disinflation is between 1.5-2.5% and the practical range of staking rewards is between 2-5%(Max 10%).